
Peacocks and Chickens

Apr 24, 2017 | Diary, Family


Peacocks and chickens day yesterday.  A busy day cleaning out pens, catching peacocks and rescuing chickens.  Hundreds of chickens were rescued from a battery farm yesterday a.m and 3 have now joined Blossom, our rare breed Copper Black Maran, and Lily, our elderly Light Sussex, in our garden.



The orphaned peachicks we rescued in 2015 are now 18mths old; healthy, strong and ready to return to their original home at Larmer Tree Gardens. Whilst caring for them, they have had the freedom of the park, our garden and the local golf course – much to the delight of the golfers. 🙂


We finally finished catching and transporting our boys to their temporary pen late last night. They have been good buddies and we’re going to miss them, but they are ready to be reunited with fellow Peacocks at my Studio. Will release them when they have adjusted to their new surroundings…. A busy and extremely successful day!

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