
Through my artwork, I hope to promote the work of the Conservation groups I have supported for so many years; to help raise the ‘much needed’ funds to help them continue with their good work.  Conservation groups currently supported through my Artwork are listed here:

The Born Free Foundation 
The Labrador Lifeline Trust 
Orangutan Foundation International U.K, Orangutan Foundation International U.S.A 
The Orangutan Foundation, Indonesia – ‘Baby Orangutan’ drawing for publication
The Dorset Wildlife Trust 
English Nature
The British Wildlife Magazine -‘Greater Horseshoe Bat’ drawings for publication 
J.R.Whippet Rescue – Reg. Charity No: 326479
ARAS & German Shepherd Inn 
Greyhounds in Need – Reg. Charity No: 436845
The Barn Owl Trust – Reg. Charity No: 299835
Jigsaw Cancer and Blood Disorders Appeal – Royal Bournemouth Hospital 
The Shawnee Mission Labrador Club – Kansas U.S.A 

U.K Wolf Conservation Trust
Vincent Wildlife Trust

Please take a moment to visit the websites of just a few of these important organisations.  


An organisation dedicated to the conservation of the remaining 650 Mountain Gorillas. The Charity founded in 1978 by the pioneer of gorilla conservation, Dr. Dian. Fossey, has changed its name to the Gorilla Organization (GO). Illegal poaching, war, disease transmission and encroachment by man are the main threats to the future survival of this most gentle and most powerful of the great apes. For more information go to

JANE GOODALL INSTITUTE – UK – In 1960, 26 year old Jane Goodall arrived on the shore of Lake Tanganyika in East Africa to study the area’s chimpanzee population. Janes profound scientific discoveries laid the foundation for all future primate studies. In 1977, Jane founded the Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research, Education and Conservation to provide ongoing support for field research on wild chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are our closest relatives in the animal kingdom. For more information go to:


THE MARINE CONSERVATION SOCIETY (MCS) is the UK charity dedicated to caring for our seas, shores and wildlife. MCS campaigns for clean seas and beaches, sustainable fisheries, and protection for all marine life. We are celebrating our Silver Jubilee in the year 2008/09, 25 years of groundbreaking work to protect our sea life – from whales, dolphins, sharks and turtles, to fish, plankton, corals and crabs. MCS also has dedicated marine conservation programmes for Scotland and Wales. For more information go to:

LEAGUE AGAINST CRUEL SPORTS – Founded in 1924, the League Against Cruel Sports is at the forefront of the campaign to end hunting and coursing of wild animals. The League has already enjoyed considerable success in gaining legal protection for Britain’s wildlife. The League Against Cruel Sports aims to end the brutality of bloodsports and secure full legal protection for all our wild mammals and birds.  For more information go to

COMPASSION IN WORLD FARMING – Concerned with the animal welfare issues connected to the new systems of intensive farming that were becoming popular during the 1960’s, dairy farmer Peter Roberts and his wife Anna, unable to convince major animal welfare societies to campaign against factory farming decided to do it themselves and Compassion in World Farming was born. CIWF campaign through peaceful protest and lobbying and by raising awareness of the issues of farm animal welfare. For more information go to:

PEOPLES TRUST FOR ENDANGERED SPECIES – The People’s Trust takes on a whole range of projects for endangered and threatened species and their habitats all over the world, as well as here in the UK. This work varies enormously from project to project and can be research into conservation problems or practical conservation work in the field. PTES owns and manages two very different reserves, Briddlesford Woods on the Isle of Wight and Rough Hill orchard in Worcestershire. Many British mammals have suffered dramatic declines in numbers, particularly in the last century. If enough isn’t done soon, extinction is not a question of if but when.  For more information go to:

THE ORANGUTAN FOUNDATION – An organisation dedicated to the conservation of orangutans and their habitat. The Orangutan Foundation is concerned with many issues including; educational programmes, raising public awareness and the rescue and re-introduction of captive orangutans back into the wild. Habitat destruction; through illegal logging and permanent agriculture, is the biggest threat to the remaining red ape population. The survival of the orangutan and their rainforest is in grave danger of extinction. For more information go to:  

APE ALLIANCE – An international coalition of organisations and individuals, working for the conservation and welfare of apes. The work is supported by grants from the Born Free Foundation and the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Find out about the Great Apes – our relatives – and how you can help to save them from extinction. For more information go to:

PROJECT SEAHORSE – A marine conservation team, committed to conserving and managing seahorses, their relatives and their habitats while respecting human needs. Project Seahorse integrates many and varied initiatives in a flexible conservation programme. We collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders and partners to build capacity for conservation and to take action. Education is very important if conservation initiatives are to have long-lasting benefits. Project seahorse aims to introduce as many people as possible to seahorses, their relatives, their habitats, and their ecosystems and to marine conservation in general. Some of our most active work is in developing countries. For more information go to:

BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION – Butterfly Conservation exists to protect our wild butterflies and their habitats. Habitat destruction has been and remains the greatest threat facing butterflies. British Butterfly Conservation has many roles to perform: Conservation, Surveys, Research, Education, Lobbying and Re-establishment. The ultimate goal is the restoration of a balanced countryside, with butterflies and other wildlife returned to the profusion they, and we once enjoyed.  For more information go to

GREENPEACE – Using non-violent confrontation to force change, Greenpeace continues to challenge the polluters and promote sustainable alternatives. Since 1971, Greenpeace has been at the forefront campaigning against issues such as; nuclear testing, whaling, the logging of ancient forests and the use of driftnets in European waters. An organisation that now has 2.6 million supporters in 158 countries; Greenpeace has consistently been a voice for people who want a cleaner, safer, greener world.  For more information go to:

FAUNA & FLORA INTERNATIONAL – In 1903, a group of British naturalists and sportsmen in Africa founded the first international conservation society. Their aim was to safeguard the future of southern Africa’s large mammal populations, which had declined alarmingly as a result of over-hunting and expanding settlement. Almost a century later, the direct descendant of that society, continues to reflect the pioneering spirit of its founders. Fauna & Flora International acts to conserve threatened species and ecosystems worldwide, choosing solutions that are sustainable, are based on sound science and take account of human needs. For more information go to:

BORN FREE – An international wildlife charity working with compassion to prevent cruelty, alleviate suffering and encourage everyone to treat all individual animals with respect. Born Free believes wildlife belongs in the wild and is dedicated to the conservation of rare species in their natural habitat, and the phasing out of traditional zoos. For more information go to:

THE BAT CONSERVATION TRUST – This is the UK’s only organisation solely devoted to the conservation of bats and their habitats. It operates a dedicated national bat helpline which supports and provides information to people. It also supports a network of over 90 voluntary Bat Groups, running the National Bat Monitoring Programme. Campaigning for stronger measures for the protection of bats, the Bat Conservation Trust is at the forefront of bat research, project and survey method development, providing training for beginners and experts, it also has links with similar organisations internationally. For more information go to:

WOODLAND TRUST – The UK’s leading conservation charity dedicated to the protection of our native woodland heritage. By acquiring sites and campaigning for woodland, we aim to conserve, restore and re-establish native woodland to its former glory. Currently, we own and care for over 1,000 woods, covering over 50,000 acres. On average for every new member paying just £2.50 per month we can protect and care for half an acre of native woodland. For more information go to:

FRIENDS OF THE EARTH – An organisation that has campaigned on many issues including; climate change, waste disposal, recycling, transport and road systems, nuclear waste disposal and endangered species, in order to give us a cleaner, safer, fairer world. Today, toxic pollution and untested genetically engineered foods, excessive consumerism and companies which put their profits before people are issues that Friends Of The Earth will campaign hard on, on your behalf.  For more information go to:

BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL – BirdLife International is a global partnership of conservation organisations (NGOs) that strives to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources. Together we are 121 BirdLife Partners worldwide – one per country or territory – and growing. . For more information go to:

CAPT. PAUL WATSON FOUNDATIONThe purpose of this Foundation is to carry on Captain Paul Watson’s effective agenda to defend life in the sea through a unique strategy of aggressive non-violence and intervention against illegal operations exploiting life in the sea.  As the co-founder of Greenpeace and the founder of Sea Shepherd, Captain Watson has become the world’s most iconic anti-poaching and anti-whaling strategist.

“We go where others fear to go, no matter how hostile or remote the seas, no matter how formidable the opposition because if we don’t, life in the seas dies and if the ocean dies, we die.”

The Foundation is not associated or affiliated with Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) or Sea Shepherd Global (SSG). For more information go to:

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