
Absolutely chuffed to bits

Oct 5, 2022 | Diary, Family, Larmer Tree Studio, Wildlife


Iggy fast asleep after having his lunch. Barbastelles have beautiful long silky browny-black fur flecked with white tips.


Years ago we placed two bat boxes on trees outside our garden gate.  We have just learned that one is absolutely stuffed full of Brown long-eared bats….and the other box also has 3 Pips snoozing in it.  We are absolutely delighted!! 🙂

My other good news is that last night Iggy, my Barb, was released and is now flying free. 🙂  The rule of thumb is that we always release where found but in this instance, he’d been rescued from a corridor inside Salisbury hospital. Outside the hospital entrance is a huge brightly lit car park surrounded by acres of mono-crop fields.  Not great habitat for a Barbastelle bat.

With advice from a Salisbury bat consultant, and after studying google maps I finally found a suitable meadow with trees and a river close by.  From here I knew Iggy would be able to feed on insects, safely roost and get his bearings.  As I stepped out of the car my detector immediately picked up lots of bat activity.   Such a reassuring sound.  Iggy flew up and around us in a large horseshoe shape – got his bearings and was off.  He knew exactly which way he should go. It was brilliant to see and to know we’d found the best place for him.  🙂  Having only ever seen photos in books, it was a privilege, and thank you Iggy for being such a sweet boy to care for.  A  lovely introduction to our precious Barbastelle bats.


Iggy, Barbastelle enjoying his lunch.


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