
Poor little Pip Girl

Oct 14, 2022 | Diary, Family, Wildlife

Collected a bat from the vet today. I knew if she was still inside this unsealed box, she wasn’t in good condition. The huge box contained two short sticks, a pip, and a small dish of water. Sadly, as anticipated, she had a broken shoulder and a fractured humerus. Pts.

I then rang the finder and learned that the poor bat had been hit by a van on Wednesday night and was pinned to the grill, unbeknownst to the driver. She was stuck to the van overnight and then driven around again in broad daylight yesterday. He only spotted her stuck to the front of his works van yesterday afternoon and used a toothbrush to remove her from the grill. He took her to the vets last night on his way home, where she was left in this box, with the sticks, overnight. 😱 Poor little Pip girl.

If you find a bat, please wear gloves, or use a thick cloth; and by following these simple instructions contain him and keep him safe until you can get him to a Reg. Bat Carer.…/bats-in-need…/contain-the-bat

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