Until last p.m no sign of frogs in our garden pond. After the rain though, and as it was a slightly warmer temp. outside, I thought I’d check the two village ponds, (the photo above is one of the village ponds). It was a joy to hear a froggie chorus as I approached, but sadly 3 frogs were already dead on the road. I rescued 2 frogs and a newt en route. Back at home, I checked our pond again and found 4 little faces peeping up at me. Our 2022 Toad Patrol has started. Raining, mild temp. is ideal for activity. Take care when driving at night folks.
February 15th
Busy night. Prepped two bat meals for later. It’s 8C and it’s been raining so shot down to the village ponds immediately after…. and no frogs, newts, toads… all laying low…hmm! Back home, hand-fed Valentino bat and now for a glass of something nice. A puzzle as to why no amphibians especially with a milder temperature. Nice surprise to be back so soon.
February 17th
Wasn’t sure whether to venture out on Frog Patrol tonight. Mild temp. plus rain earlier, plus blowin’ a hooley, but thought it better safe than sorry. Rescued 8 frogs on our track and then drove down to the village. Even though it was exactly the same temperature and conditions as at home, there was no activity whatsoever. I can’t fathom why that would be, but good to be back home again.