
Birthday Girl

Dec 29, 2022 | Family, Wildlife

Zoo Med ReptiBreeze Screen Cage Large 46x46x91cm

I was excited and ‘up and at it’ rather early in order to take the bins down the track.  I’m not normally up so early – it was still dark, but it was my birthday and super to watch the sun rising as I strolled back with my furry buddy.  Brian is unwell and I wanted to get this chore out of the way so that he didn’t feel that he should do it. It was a lovely start to the day.

As my rescue batties are in need of extra space in which to recuperate, I was delighted to receive a ReptiBreeze birthday gift.  For many years I’ve been using Flexariums which have been ideal; and safe areas in which rescues can stretch their wings whilst healing. Unfortunately, Flexariums are no longer produced and even though the Reptibreee is expensive, it appears to be the best substitute and will hopefully last many years. Meanwhile, little Sydney bat is now self-feeding and has given me the gift of time; another special birthday pressie.

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