
Pickle’s Release

May 15, 2023 | Family, Wildlife

Photo of Pickle a week after his rescue; he was now eating but still underweight and looking thin.

I learned last night that Pickle, my rescued pipistrelle bat, had initially been found on the ground on his back, with his wings open. Unsure if it was a dead leaf, the finder touched him and thankfully the little bat flinched. Thinking he would fly away, the finder placed him on a flat roof – but little Pickle didn’t fly, and was later found on the floor. He was a rigid, unresponsive, underweight little bat.

Three weeks later, a heartwarming release. Last night whilst sat in the finders’ wildlife garden waiting for the sun to go down, another pip flew above us – always a good sign. Sat on the heat mat and covered by my gloved hand I felt Pickle slowly stir. He was warming up and waking up and within a few minutes, much to our delight, he stretched his wings and flew upwards, circling twice above us before disappearing over the cottage roof and then reappearing for one more fly-by. It was beautiful to see and after 15+ yrs I never cease to feel the same joy with each release. The lovely couple had already kindly donated when Pickle was first rescued and as we were leaving I couldn’t believe their kindness. Thank you, Helen and Tony, for your concern, kindness and generosity.


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