

Greetings Card (FSC Board)
175mm x 125mm
Card blank inside
Free P + P

Original Painting Medium: Pen and Ink
Region: U.K

This underwater scene was portrayed using pen and ink and was designed to incorporate the many species found in a rock pool during the summer. Included in the painting are limpets, mussels, acorn barnacles,  snakelocks anemone, and bladderwrack seaweed.

If a rock pool is disturbed the anemones will contract and the tiny fish, crabs, and prawns will take refuge under seaweed or in crevices in the rock. If left undisturbed, they will soon re-emerge. Rock pools are a never-ending source of pleasure for me. I love to investigate and explore them.

When illustrating wildlife I endeavour to be as accurate as possible in order to give a little insight into the lives of each creature and plant portrayed.

Sadly due to a number of factors including marine pollution, climate change, overfishing, and the loss of habitat, many creatures living in our coastal waters are in decline. Our coastline and the surrounding seas are an important food source for so many species.

Mammals such as dolphins, seals and otters and many species of wading birds rely on the invertebrates and molluscs to be found along our shorelines and in our estuaries. Since the mid-1980s there has been a decline in bird species including Puffins and Guillemots. It is vital that we look after our oceans and coastal waters. We destroy our oceans at our peril. We cannot survive without a healthy planet and including healthy oceans.