
sick bat

Fools, Horses and Bats

Fools, Horses and Bats

Eventful and long night. Over the past few weeks, Bucksy, my brown long-eared bat, has been flown regularly here at home, and on Mon. night, I took him to a large purpose-built bat flight in South Dorset to see how he coped. His torn ear is still of concern, but as...

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Poorly Pip

Poorly Pip

Busy day, but a good one, much of it spent doing bat work and it is still early days for my little bat. I collected more anti-bios from the vet and a colleague has kindly provided me with extra batty food to tide me over – should she pull through. We agree that my little bat either has a fractured hip or broken leg, or possibly a dislocated knee or hip.

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