Mrs. Popple – Fuchsia


Greetings Card (FSC Board)
Size:  175mm x 125mm
Card blank inside
Free P + P

Original Painting Medium: Gouache and watercolour
Scientific Name: Fuchsia magellanica
Region: South America

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Lady’s Eardrops, Mrs. Popple, Falling Stars, Rufus the Red, Sleigh Bells, Ting-a-Ling, and Sophisticated Lady are just a few of the amusing and descriptive names of the many fuchsia varieties available.

Fuchsias are chiefly grown for their attractive pendulous flowers that look similar to a ballet skirt and spread out to form bell-shaped flowers. The hanging delicate flowers range in colour from scarlet, rosy red, crimson, white, and pink to deep purple.

When we moved into our home seven years ago we found a number of neglected, overgrown fuchsia bushes. They were very tall and straggly and during early winter we cut them back almost to ground level. Though this seemed a rather harsh procedure we were delighted with the profusion of flowers that appeared throughout the following year, and over all the years since.

I decided I would like to portray one of these pretty plants and in 2002 painted this study in gouache and watercolour.

Fuchsia plants are native to Central and South America and New Zealand. For many years, I have made hanging baskets and often have a delicate trailing fuchsia as a centrepiece.


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